The Self & a Better Self
Forming the Self
As might be expected, «formal name given to a specific entity (i.e. form of personal functioning) which has a particular taxonomic location in the .
» is a
This differs from popular and even scientific discourse, where the term «self», like «mind», is commonly used vaguely as referring to either overall personal functioning or implying some specific aspect of functioning like relating or committing.
I have used the phrase «
» to emphasize that the reference to «self» is a reference to an inner experience. Let me briefly recap the taxonomic details.The
is a , which is the Primal Effect within the . The current conception of the is that is generated in order to use It emerges with the triads and is therefore developed under a psychosocial pressure for performance.The diagram at right shows the triadic grouping of . As you can see, there are 5 triadic groups, each of which provides a and can be viewed as a form of :
- (Physical Self)
When a person talks about their own
(or the of someone else), they may be referring to any one or more of these five experiential conditions.The experience of individuates, the other forms of emerge.
in childhood primarily revolves around the . As these experiences are naturally variable and sometimes overwhelming, the will be weak and will often feel weak. However, as the infant grows or, as psychologists say,For any adult, including those who remain in the
, all forms of the are available to be used. If used effectively, then a person may be perfectly satisfied to remain with the at the or any subsequent Stage."Strengthening" in this Spiral is about making a satisfactory adjustment in the person's own terms within a social milieu. This is a judgement that is made from the insider perspective. It does not necessarily target the quality or calibre of a person, nor does it determine a person's character.
More on the Insider Perspective

Creating a Better Self
is not about "improving quality" or "building character", then how does that occur? And where in the Taxonomy? Answers are to be found in the .The better self.
that has been the focus in the Spiral analysis is an egocentric-self. This function is essential in a person's effort to survive. A has a better chance. However, an awareness of the egocentric self is the basis for evaluating it, and potentially aspiring for it to function in some better way. This may mean taking actions that lead to personal losses or even impair survival. The contrast with a self that seeks survival at any cost engenders the idea of a different andThe frameworks dealing with the codes for living, with adherence depending on the exercise of free will.
reveal the determinants of how a person may choose to manage their life overall. Being at the Root of the Taxonomy, they emerge from the and so depend heavily on . The taxonomy's neuro-biological imperative has led toFrameworks for existence have been discovered. A sense of rightness in living develops via Primal Quests. Goodness depends on managing egotistic tendencies. Within the Producing Goodness framework, which is a tertiary structural hierarchy: , the tetrads-G4 are specifically geared to building character. See diagram at right.
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Originally posted: 4-Jan-2016. Last amended: 20-Jun-2016.